

Stag hunt in the Highlands

Artist: Wilkie, David, Sir, RA HRSA · 1785-1841

The present work was accessioned into the RSA Collections as being the work of Thomas Duncan RSA although no known finished painting with such a subject was known from Duncan's hand.

RSA Documentation Officer, Robin H. Rodger subsequently identified the work as being a sketch by Sir David Wilkie HRSA purchased from his Studio Sale in 1842, on the evidence of an extant receipt in the RSA Vouchers Collection.

It is probably a preparatory study for an unidentified painting.

The only one coming close to the subject in terms of its title, was Wilkie's 1821 exhibit at the Royal Institution (cat.14) "Atholl Highlanders Returning from Hunting the Red Deer" which measured 1 foot 6 inches by 1 foot 10 inches.

That picture was cited in the third notice of the exhibition in The Champion (London), 1821-02-17 but it is insufficient to confirm the attribution; "No, 14 "Atholl Highlanders Returning from Hunting the Red Deer,"and No.17 "Reading of a Will," are by D.Wilkie RA. The former is sweetly coloured, the figures are full of character, and a fine glowing tone of light, pervades the picture."

The New Times (London) gives more detail in its review of 1821-02-05.; "14. Athol Highlanders, by WILKIE. A spirited group, led by a piper in full uniform; a red deer lies at his feet, behind it are some gamekeepers and two peasant girls. The picture is close to nature, though It is to [sic] deformed and ungraceful nature."

Although not a direct match compositionally, it is not inconceivable that the present work is a earlier working of the subject.