

Between the late and early

Artist: Cranston, Andrew, RSA · b. 1969

against a flat black ground representing an ocean a series of irregularly shaped and sized icebergs float across the surface, each with a figure or figures on top of them, in varying poses. The figures of John Martin, Bernardus Albinus and John Duncan respresented as skeletons. Beneath each iceberg is a name. For the most part these are of artists connected witth the Royal Scottish Academy but includes also authors of books held in the RSA Library, poets, folk singers and writers. These represent all those who were invited to participate in the curated element of the 2013 RSA Annual Exhibtion. This element, curated by Edward Summerton RSA, was titled Between the late and early.

Additional details

  • Object data

    Materials Support paper
    Dimensions Image
    41.8cm x 30cm
    50.2cm x 38.1cm
  • Exhibitions

    No exhibition data for this record.