

Alphabet and abstract arithmetical symbols

[creator]: Cumming, James William Hunter, RSA · 1922-1991

Firth (op cit., p25), writing of the Late 1960’s states; “He [ie Cumming] became interested in Wittgenstein’s works on the philosophy and logic of language, particularly the Tractacus, and was thereby motivated to seek out the most primitive written word symbols: the Sumerian cuneiform alphabet. In those still undeciphered marks, he discovered once again the spectral echoes of chromosome shape-symbols. Many more paintings followed.” Indeed Cumming was still producing works based on alphabets into the mid 1980s.

Vide also RSA 2014.731 for a similar study

Additional details

  • Object data

    Datec.1951 - c.1990
    Dimensions Max
    13.9 x 17.2
  • Exhibitions

    No exhibition data for this record.
