

The Harvesters

[creator]: Cumming, James William Hunter, RSA · 1922-1991

The church tower and building group at top left are stylistically reminiscent of the work of John Maxwell who was on the teaching staff at Edinburgh College of Art initially from 1935-46. Jack Firth (op cit.) writes (p.14) “James Cumming did not feel constrained by his Edinburgh training but regarded it all as continuous experience. He was more influenced by the attitudes of mind of his teachers and exemplars than by the painting methods\they taught. From Gillies and Maxwell he had the legacy of their judgement of values and the blessing of their integrity to complement his own; they also reinforced his individualism by going their own way. It is sometimes forgotten now that both men were categorised as rebels by those who resented their ability to keep on surprising..”

Additional details

  • Object data

    Dimensions Plate
    20 x 16.5
  • Exhibitions

    No exhibition data for this record.
