

Untitled Broad Sculpture with Applied Figure (unfinished)

Sculptor: Rand, Keith John, RSA · 1956-2013

The piece is unfinished. The application of small figurative devices occurs in several of Rand’s works. A favourite applied motif was the moth and the Studio Gift includes Rand’s “Moth Gig” and examples of theses “moths” at different stages in their development. The application of human forms can be seen in, for example, Go-Betweens (vide RAND0011 and 0012) where the forms are recognizably human, and The Grain, where a more abstracted, 2-D form, as here, is developed.

Additional details

  • Object data

    Datec.1956 - c.2013
    Dimensions 49.4cm x 20.5cm x 12cm
  • Exhibitions

    No exhibition data for this record.
