

Colour Fence

Printmaker: Watson, Arthur, PPRSA RSA · b. 1951

On the discovery of a group of 7 copies of this print, all with minor variations, the artist provided the following notes to Sandy Wood, RSA Collections Curator; “Colour Fence series/ Made in 1974/ Academy asked for sales copies (1975 or 76) these are they/ This series a prototype for larger versions (Several series of prints stemmed from this prototype/ Andy Stenhouse has two/ Prototypes done for first exhibition at Peacock to raise money/ “A Pound a Print” , Aberdeen Art Gallery, Dec 1974, sold just ove r700 at £1 each.)/ Background from line block, slow etched copper plate, part of cabinet full of such bought from auction of Cornwells Printers (Castle St, Aberdeen) in 1973/74/ Bought these for cabinets wit hbig heavy shelves (still has)/ Acetate on top printed iwith vinyl screen printing ink/ central to 1st solo show at Fruitmarket in 1975/ CAC have 1, Aberdeen Art Gallery has this and a big one, Colin [Greenslade] has [……] (long wide one)/ whole set shown at Fruitmarket/ “3 print workshops” (Edinburgh, Glasgow & Aberdeen), 1975.” The artist took possession of the remaining 6, gifting two and destryoying the other four which had defects he was not satisfied with.

Additional details

  • Object data

    Materials Support paper
    Overlay acetate
    Mount card
    Dimensions Plate
    10.2cm x 15.2cm
    16.5cm x 21cm
  • Exhibitions

    No exhibition data for this record.