

Untitled sketchbook

Artist: Gamley, Henry Snell, RSA · 1865-1928

The sketchbook appears to be complete, comprising twenty-eight leaves. The majority of the leaves are sketched on both faces (recto and verso) with a few on one side only. They include studies of children, men and women, some of whom are probably family members, but included also is a profile head of an unidentified church minister (Leaf 21r) and Leaf 69v is a sketch of the Scottish writer Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) taken from a contemporary photograph of 1876 (vide NPG Ax5568 & NPG x46497). Leaf 19(v) may be a portrait of the French sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840-1917). There is a mixture of observed and slightly humorous portraits throughout the book.

Additional details

  • Object data

    Datec.1880 - c.1889
    TypeSketch book Mixed media
    MaterialsCover card
    Support paper
    Medium Pencil
    Medium Pen and ink
    Dimensions Support size (closed)
    Support size (clsoed)
    AcquisitionGift Hall, Hilary (December 13th, 2006)
  • Exhibitions

    No exhibition data for this record.

  • Sitters