

Belshazzar's Feast

Printmaker: Martin, John, HRSA · 1789-1854

According to Campbell (John Martin Visionary Printmaker, pp.90-91); Belshazzar's Feast was the first print executed by Martin using one of Thomas Lupton's new soft steel printing plates, which appeared after Martin had already commenced engraving on a traditional copper plate, which he then abandoned. Campbell continues; "The 'first'plate is most easily identified by the decorative border which surrpounds the image. The border is mad eup of fine lines, vetical at he top and bottom, and horizontal at the sides; these fine lines are encloised by a single outer line on all sides. The Royal Arms are engraved in the centre of the dedication." Campbell further notes (op cit.) that Martin noted in a prospectus for the print that it was not base don the original oil painting of the subject, which he had exhibited a the British Institution in 1821, but rather on two finished sketches for that painting; however that the engraving was to show "subsequent original variations" of its own.

A Proof before letters

Additional details

  • Object data

    Materials Support paper
    Dimensions 68cm x 101.9cm x 59.8cm x 81.6cm x 47.2cm x 71.6cm
    MediumPrinting ink
  • Exhibitions

    No exhibition data for this record.

  • Sitters