

Sir George Reid PRSA HRHA, 1841-1913, Artist

Sculptor: Macgillivray, James Pittendrigh, RSA · 1856-1938

Vide typed list in artist's file which records a total of 4 casts; two of the other three being in SNPG and Aberdeen Art Gallery collections. RSA Council Minute of 1906-11-05 states; There is what appears an isolated reference to this work before it entered the collections, in the RSA Council Minutes of 1906-11-05; "Mr Walton reported he had called on Mr Macgillivray regarding the proposed bronze bust of Sir George Reid RSA and had learned that a replica would not be more than £25. After some consideration it was agreed to bring the matter before the Assembly of Academicians, and that no proposal be put in the billet." RSA Assembly of Academicians Minutes 1906-11-14; "The motion in the Supplementary billet was then taken up, viz; To consider recommendation of Council to purchase a bronze bust of Sir George Reid RSA for the Library. A question was asked as to whether we had any money to purchase Works of Art, and also as to what it would cost. The Treasurer intimated it would be £25. After consideration Mr Hole moved seconded by Mr Hardie that the matter be deferred (until the Finance Committee submit their Report - deleted) Agreed. Although a portrait of a President therefore, the bust cannot be properly termed as a President's Portrait as it was not paid for out of Academy funds.

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