

Maternal Instinct

Artist: Lorimer, John Henry, RSA (res.) · 1856-1936

An identically titled painting "Maternal Instinct" was exhibited at the RSA in 1895 catalogue number 130 and was unsold at the end of the exhibition, this may have been the same piece as the Diploma Work. See also newpaper critique of the 1895 RSA Annual Exhibition from "The Scotsman", "The Royal Scottish Academy's Exhibition, Fourth Notice" with a commentary on Lorimer's 'Maternal Instinct'. For full transcript see 'Notes on Members' on Joanna Soden's H drive also Newspaper Cutting Book 1894-1903. A very similar painting (1896) is in the collection of Kirkcaldy Art Gallery 'Spring Moonlight' which depicts an interior at Kellie Castle similar female figures and a similar baby.