

La Quarta Porta

Artist: Bricker, Celyn · b. 1989

"La Quarta Porta ('The Fourth Door') was a year-long project completed in collaboration with the Anelli Mancanti in Florence, Italy. The Anelli Mancanti is a centre that offers support and services to Florence’s migrant community. La Quarta Porta was made in collaboration with this community.

La Quarta Porta is a proposed 4th Door for the Florence Baptistery. It takes as its starting point the form and scale of the Baptistery’s North and South doors, although has radically different content. In this project 35 different people from all over the world contributed their own design to each quatrefoil section. Their images were created in response to the question: ‘How did you imagine Italy before you arrived?’." (sourced 2015-03-05;

Additional details

  • Object data

    TypePrint Screenprint
    MaterialsSecondary Support foam board
    Support paper
    Medium Ink
    Medium Gold pen
    Medium Gold paint
    AcquisitionDeposit, John Kinross Travel Scholarship Bricker, Celyn (February 27th, 2014)
  • Exhibitions

    No exhibition data for this record.