

General Sir David Baird, B.G.C.B.

Primary artist: Raeburn, Henry, Sir, RA · 1756-1823Printmaker: Hodgetts, ThomasPublisher: Hill, Alexander · 1800-1866

Probably the first major independent print publication undertaken by Alexander Hill after the oil painting by Sir Henry Raeburn which was first exhibited by Raeburn in the 8th Annual Exhibition of Painting &c in Scotland by Artists, Edinburgh, 1815 (cat 163) Portrait of General Sir David Baird...H Raeburn RA. Vide RSA 1995.087 for a proof gifted by the publisher, complete with engraved inscription giving title and production details. BM hold a copy ref 1902,1011.2533.

Additional details

  • Object data

    Materials Support paper
    Dimensions 62.8cm x 42.5cm x 62.8cm x 40.8cm x 61.5cm x 38.8cm
  • Exhibitions

    No exhibition data for this record.

  • Sitters