

Cosmic Lake

Printmaker: Lamb, Elspeth, RSA · b. 1951

The notes for Elpseth Lamb's display in the Friends' Room refer to 'Cosmic Lake' (copy of these notes in Lamb's file) " She has recently returned from a trip to Canada, where she collaborated with Alan Flint, a/ master printer and professor at McMaster University, near Toronto. With only limited/ resources available at the recently set up Print Studio in Hamilton, the inventive pair/ produced a multi-coloured combination print entitled 'Cosmic Lake' using pochoir and/ woodcut techniques. The' pochoir' method is the same technique as that used by Matisse/ to produce his famous 'Jazz' series. 'Cosmic Lake' was based on a digital image taken in/ rural Japan, put through several filters in Photoshop and broken down into simplifies/ images. Each print was produced by cutting shapes into mylar (thin acetate) and dabbing/ coloured ink through each of these stencils to create areas of colour. The image was built/ up using several stencils, and finally two wood blocks were carved and printed over the/ top....." The notes also refer to Lamb's trip to the Nagasawa region of Japan where presumably the photograph which 'Cosmic Lake' is based on was taken ?