The Birth of the Virgin
Artist: Lewis, John Frederick, RA HRSA · 1804-1876Primary artist: Ghirlandaio, Domenico Currado Bigordi · 1449-1494Frame maker: Hill, Alexander · 1800-1866
The watercolour is a copy after this artist
As originally acquired, the works were mounted with broad white card, and framed individually. A letter from Lewis in his artist file dated 1853-03-04 refers to the first batch of 53 works being dispatched via the London Framer Joseph Green, and he describes them as ‘framed and glazed.’ Further correspondence from Green (1853-02-22) indicates an earlier delivery of 10 drawings ‘forwarded by rail through Pickfords.’ The collection was installed in the Academy’s Life School rooms at 33 Abercromby Place by J Taylor & Co and the exhibition of the Lewis Collection, comprising the 63 purchased drawings plus another (cat.1) gifted by Lewis of the Interior of the Tribuno in the Uffizi, was on show by November 1853.
It was subsequently decided to double frame the works into just 30 frames, possibly in anticipation of their being hung in the new joint RSA/NGS building on The Mound; vide RSA Vouchers 1859 [bundle 2, no.35] receipted invoice from Robert R. Nelson, Artists Colourman, Bookseller, stationer, and Picture Frame Maker, 27 South Hanover Street, Edinburgh; 1859-01-06 "Taking out & fitting in 65 Water Colour Drawings into 30 frames, & making Gold bevel edged Mounts for same £3.5/-; 30 Mounting boards 1/- £1.10/-; Cutting down 2 Frames glasses & back boards 5/-."
However, a little under two years later the question of their suitabliity was once again raised as the RSA Council Minutes 1860-11-02 record; "Read letter from Mr Drummond RSA enclosing reports from the Committees of the Council appointed to examine the state of the Pictures, Books, etcetera. The Report on the Pictures is unsigned as Mr Drummond said he wished to add to it a recommendation that each Picture and piece of Sculpture belonging to the Academy in the National Gallery, should be marked 'Property of the Royal Scottish Academy,' a recommendation also coincided in by Mr R S Lauder and the Secretary both members of the Committee and in accordance with the sentiments of the members of Council present. Mr Johnstone who had gone over the Pictures with Mr Lauder and Mr Drummond - but not as a member of Committee, stated that there were several pictures not mentioned in the draft Report which he wished to bring under the Committee's notice and he suggested an alteration on that part of the Report which recommended the reframing of some of Mr Lewis' Drawings. The Committee agreed to meet Mr Johnstone at the National Gallery tomorrow, Saturday, at 1/2 past 9 o'clock, to examine the works he wished to bring before them and to revise the Report of the Committee - the Secretary to give notice to Mr Drummond, to whom the Council were of opinion, that the early hour named would be most convenient."
ditto 1860-11-06; "Mr Drummond read amended Report, by two of the Committee on the state of the Pictures, and containing certain recommendations. The Council appointed Messrs Drummond, Archer, Steell and Lauder, a Committee to inspect and fix on patterns and take estimates for the framing of the Lewis Drawings, and to report at next meeting."
1860-11-09 record; [The Reports of Mr Drummond and Mr Lauder, the senior members of the Council appointed as a Committee to examine the state of the Pictures, Books, Prints, etcetera, were laid on the table. The following are copies....]"....The Committee would also recommend that an experiment be made with one of Mr Lewis' Drawings by having it gilt to the edge of the Drawing, the Council thus having an opportunity of judging whether or not it might be advisable to have the whole series framed in the same manner."......."The Committee appointed at last meeting to fix on patterns, and take estimates for the reframing of the Lewis Drawings reported that they had got estimates and patterns from Mr A Hill and Mr Dott - which they laid before the meeting. The Council fixed on those supplied by Mr Hill, and directed that the whole should be framed forthwith - each in its individual frame, and not showing any white mount. To be got ready before the reopening of the National Gallery in December next. The Treasurer was instructed and authorised to have the matter carried through."
RSA Council Minutes 1860-12-10; "Read note from the President stating that the very bad weather and the state of his health obliged him reluctantly to keep the House and also that he had seen Lewis' Water Colour Drawings in their new frames and thought them very much improved."
RSA Vouchers 1860, Bundle 3 of 3 (161); Account Alexander Hill; 1860-12-03 “64 matt and burnished Gilt frames, Glasses and Backboards with Gilt Slip as for contract £22.15/-, extra night work on do £1.10/-.”
Additional details
Object data
Date c.1838 Accession 1992.462 Type Painting Materials Support paper
Mount card
Medium Watercolour
Medium PencilDimensions Sight
21.4cm x 13.3cmAcquisition Purchase Lewis, John Frederick, RA HRSA (1853-02) -
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