

David Allan Self Portrait

Artist: Allan, David · 1744-1796

Painted by Allan during his stay in Rome. Ref Miles Chappell, “Further Observations on Agostino Carracci’s “Venus” in the Farnese Gallery” in Studies in Iconography, Vol 4, 1978, pub Northern Kentucky University, p164 and illus no.4; which references the sketch signed Carrracci in front of Allan as the former’s sketch for his Venus [or Galatea] fresco in the Farnese Gallery (the original identification of this was made by J R Fawcett Thompson’s “David Allan and the Hamilton Portraits” in Connoisseur 173 (1970), pp250-251) and reiterates the claim made by Allan’s daughter (“Memoir of David Allan” in The Gentle Shepherd, Edinburgh, 1808, Vol II, pp624-625) that its appearance in Allan’s self-portrait was intended “as a tribute of grateful feeling to Lady Cathcart.” [Lady Cathcart had been an early patron of Allan’s].

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