Portrait of John Graham-Gilbert, R.S.A.
Artist: Graham - Gilbert of Yorkhill, John, RSA · 1794-1866
According to the 1854 RSA Annual Exhibition catalogue, this self - portrait was 'Painted at the request of, and presented to the Royal Scottish Academy by J. Graham Gilbert, RSA'. RSA Council Minutes 1854-02-02: "Read letter of date 30th January from John Graham Gilbert, York Hill, Glasgow, in which the following passage occurs; My Dear Sir, I beg to inform you that along with a few pictures which I have sent to the Exhibition is the portrait of myself which I have painted for the Royal Scottish Academy. As it is the property of the Academy it can be exhibited or not just as the Council may think proper.# I regret extremely that from the difficulty I have found to get away from Glasgow I have as yet been unable to commence the portrait of our President Sir JohnWatson Gordon but I hope you will be so good as assure the Council of the Academy that I am anxious and will take the first opportunity to fulfil my promise. believe me, my Dear Sir, I am truly yours, [signed] J Graham Gilbert." The portrait of Sir John Watson Gordon PRSA was transferred from the RSA to the NGS in 1910 (SNPG PG715).
Another self-portrait by Graham-Gilbert was lent by Lady MacNee to the 1884 Loan Exhibition of Scottish National Portraits, cat.396.
Additional details
Object data
Date c.1853 - c.1854 Accession 1992.205 Type Painting Materials Support canvas, panel, wooden
Medium Paint, oilDimensions Support
83.3cm x 65.8cm
116.5cm x 100cmAcquisition Gift Graham - Gilbert of Yorkhill, John, RSA (March 10th, 1854) -
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