


Artist: Galbraith, Gray · b. 1981

The work is undated but was made in response to influences and stimuli experienced by the artist whilst in Florence in 2003 on a John Kinross Travel Scholarship. The artist is interested in book binding and at the time of the John Kinross Travel Scholarship Winners' reunion in 2005, was teaching book binding in Berlin. She bound this sketchbook herself. The images in the sketch book are a fusion of imagery from Florence and Berlin. Pages 16-20 and 29-39 of sketch book are blank recto and verso. The other pages contain images to recto and verso some drawings have been pasted onto the pages. A black envelope has been slipped into page 13 and an empty sugar sachet into page 14. A rail ticket and museum ticket have been slipped inside the back cover. See also 47 postcards sent by the artist to the RSA in 2003 that relate in theme and style to the sketchbook.

Additional details

  • Object data

    Datec.2003 - c.2005
    TypeSketch book Cloth bound
    MaterialsCovers card
    Support paper, card
    Medium Collage
    Medium Ink, red
    Medium Ink, black
    Medium Found objects
    Dimensions Closed
    17.3cm x 22cm x 4.2cm
    AcquisitionDeposit, John Kinross Travel Scholarship Galbraith, Gray (January 25th, 2005)
  • Exhibitions

    No exhibition data for this record.