


Artist: Baillie, Delia, RSA · 1977-2023

Painting began in 2010 following a couple of trips staying in friends’ cottages. Became interested in holiday homes and their pared back nature. First inspiration was tiled floor in a cottage in Portnoo, Donegal (where the artist’s family on her mother’s side are from). Wanted to begin Perch using the floor as a starting point. Something visually about that place, hotch-potch of lively decorations spanning various times. Due to painting’s scale, had to shelve it soon after as was heavily pregnant. When invited by Eddie Summerton to exhibit in 2013 RSA Annual Exhibition: ‘Between the Late and Early’, Delia decided to resurrect the painting. Source for Perch graphic was a structure in a bird enclosure at Camperdown park, Dundee. As soon as she saw it something clicked and she knew the painting would be called Perch and knew where the painting would go. The Perch reminded her, in smaller form, of the hotch potch nature of holiday homes. Also about the process of painting and it being precarious, title bridging imagery and process.

The work was gradually built up and went through various guises before it reached its current form.

For more information see artist’s audio interview with RSA Collections Curator, Sandy Wood 20/12/2013. On CD and Backup drive.