Clarkson Stanfield RA, RSA
Artist: Macnee, Daniel, Sir, PPRSA RSA · 1806-1882Frame maker: Dott, Aitken · 1815-1892
vide RSA Annual Report 1858, item III: "The visit to Edinburgh during the autumn of Clarkson Stanfield ,Esq., R.A., the distinguished marine and landscape painter (by the exhibition of whose works the Academy has so often benefitted), in company with his friend, Mr.Roberts, afforded the Council the opportunity, which they gladly embraced, of receiving these distinguished brethern in Art at the Galleries, and then presenting Mr Stanfield, his diploma as an Honorary member of the Academy, and the Academy's bronze medal, inscribed with his name, and the date of his election. Before their return to England, the President and Council were gratified by the opportunity of receiving these gentlemen at dinner, to meet the Academicians, Associates, and as many of their own and the Academy's friends as the Library could accommodate. The meeting, though somewhat hurriedly arranged, and at a season when many members are out of town, was eminently successful, and the pleasure, arising from the evening's proceedings, was enhanced by circumstances gratifying to both guests as well as to their hosts; 1st, by an intimation made during the evening, that, on the suggestion of the Council, Mr.Macnee had at once placed his professional services at their disposal, an dpainted an admirable portrait of Mr.Stanfield, for presentation to the Artistic Portrait Gallery, now being forme dby the Academy; and, 2nd, by the Corporation of Edinburgh, his native city, having that day conferred on Mr Roberts the honour of election as a freeman and guild-brother - the first occasion in thids city on which such a compliment had been conferred on account of eminence in Art."
vide vouchers 1860, bundle 2 of 3 (65) invoice from Aitken Dott, 16 South St David St; 1858, Dec 31 Two Lawrence pattern gilt frames 17 1/4 x 11 1/8 for pictures by Andrew Wilson 21/- each £2.2/0; 1859, February 14 Richly ornate gilt frame bolted at corners for Group Ariadne at Naxos £9.9/-; To lining Portrait of Rev John Thomson and furnishing ornate gilt frame for do ".12/6d; To a frame for Portrait of R Cooper £1.12/-; To a frame for study by Etty after Veronese £2.2/-; To one do for picture Marriage at Caana £2.2/-; To richly ornamented gilt frame for Portrait of C Stanfield Esq £3.13/-; [1859] March 21, To a frame for picture of the Disobedient Prophet and fitting do £1. 17/-; Slip for inside of frame Professor Wilson 8/6d; To richly ornate gilt frame fro picture of Venus with plate glass £12.12/-; To cash paid for silk curtains, [?]rod[?] and fastenings £3.12/6d"
Additional details
Object data
Date 1858 Accession 1993.206 Type Painting Paint, oil Materials Support canvas
Medium Paint, oilDimensions Support
92cm x 71.4cmAcquisition Gift Macnee, Daniel, Sir, PPRSA RSA (1859) -
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