Snack in a Dutch Museum
Artist: Knox, John [Jack], RSA RSW RGI DLitt · 1936-2015
The Diploma Work is part of a series of works in the 1970's exploring still lifes of foods inspired by a visit to the Netherlands - a similarly titled piece was exhibited at the RSA in 1976 catalogue number 89 "Dutch museum snack" and in 1977 catalogue number 97 "Buffet in a Dutch museum." In a letter to the RSA (in Knox's file) dated 29 Janury 2008 he states that "I also enclose the monograph which accompanied my 1983 exhibition and as you will see there are/ several paintings with similar titles but different in character.."
Additional details
Object data
Date c.1977 - c.1978 Accession 1994.039 Type Painting Materials Support canvas
Medium Paint, acrylicDimensions Support
121.5cm x 153.9cm
Sight size, approximate
111.4cm x 144.5cm
122.5cm x 154.5cmAcquisition Deposit, RSA Diploma Collection Knox, John [Jack], RSA RSW RGI DLitt (1981) -
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