

Select Views in Edinburgh; The Regent Bridge, Register Office and Princes Street from the East

Printer: PILLANS AND SONS, JPublisher: Gibson, Patrick, RSA · 1775-1829

A plate from the printed book Select Views in Edinburgh; consisting chiefly of prospects that have presented themselves and Public Buildings that have been erected in the course of the recent improvements of the City, accompanied with historical and explanatory notices, published in 1818 The etched plates may have been issued separately as individual impressions before the book appeared. Glasgow University’s Hunterian Art Gallery for example holds a copy of Plate I but lacking title, number 1 at top right and without the key numbers within the image itself. (GLAHA 3167)

Gibson’s volume may have been prompted by or otherwise related to the 1816 publication of Twelve Etchings of Views in Edinburgh by an Amateur (printed by John Moir, pub Daniel Macintosh, Edinburgh, 1816) a copy in original wrapper as issued is in Yale (DA890E3T88)

Additional details

  • Object data

    TypePrint Etching
    Dimensions 27.8 x 35 x 21.7 x 32.3 x 18.3 x 30.5
  • Exhibitions

    No exhibition data for this record.
