Select Views in Edinburgh; consisting chiefly of prospects that have presented themselves and Public Buildings that have been erected in the course of the recent improvements of the City, accompanied with historical and explanatory notices
Printer: PILLANS AND SONS, JPublisher: Gibson, Patrick, RSA · 1775-1829
Printed book, quarter bound in marble covered boards with tan leather corners and spine. The spine largely missing titled in gilt. The front and back boards wholly detached. Front board, end paper, front free end paper, Title page (recto)/ blank (verso), Advertisement (recto)/ Contents (verso), Plate I, pp[5](recto)/ 6 (verso), Plate II, pp 7 (recto)/ 8 (verso), Plate III, pp 9 (recto)/ 10 (verso), Plate IV, pp 11(recto)/ 12 (verso), PlateV, p 13 (recto)/ 14 (verso), Plate VI (folding), p 15 (recto)/ blank (verso), free end paper, end paper, back board. The printed Advertisement concludes; “The three first Plates now given, represent Views which will disappear/ when the improvements at this time in progress are completed. The fourth/ and fifth chiefly exhibit public buildings respectable for their antiquity, of/ which the one is already removed, and the other will speedily follow. The/ sixth is a View of one of the finest and most ancient Gothic structures in the/ County, which, in order to arrest its decay, has recently undergone consi/ derable repair./ Should the Public give a favourable reception to these, the Author will/ continue the Work as occasions arise for extending it./ 23, DUNDAS STREET,/ Dec. 29. 1817.}” The etched plates may have been issued separately as individual impressions before the book appeared. Glasgow University’s Hunterian Art Gallery for example holds a copy of Plate I but lacking title, number 1 at top right and without the key numbers within the image itself. (GLAHA 3167)
Gibson’s volume may have been prompted by or otherwise related to the 1816 publication of Twelve Etchings of Views in Edinburgh by an Amateur (printed by John Moir, pub Daniel Macintosh, Edinburgh, 1816) a copy in original wrapper as issued is in Yale (DA890E3T88)
Additional details
Object data
Date 1818 Accession 2014.438 Type Book Materials Support paper
Medium PencilDimensions 35.8cm x 28.2cm x 35cm x 27.8cm Acquisition Purchase unknown (1858-11) -
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