

Bridge 2

Artist: Lilley, Elizabeth · b. 1987

The artist was the recipient of an RSA John Kinross Travel Scholarship in 2021 and undertook her scholarship in 2023.

The present work was informed by photographs of the destruction of the bridges across the River Arno in Florence during the Second World War as the German army retreated.

Explaining her work the artist has written;

"My deposit consists of three studies in oil undertaken during my time in Florence, informed by aspects of my research during my time in the city. My current practice is concerned with the slow abstraction of photographic imagery with a focus on historical events of social or cultural significance.

Two of the studies are informed by images relating to the experience of Florence during the Second World War, the intended subject of my scholarship and the basis of my original proposal. The source images show the aftermath of the destruction of Florence’s bridges by the retreating Nazis in 1944. During my time in Florence I travelled to the Commonwealth War Cemetery just outside the city, and was intrigued to read that following the Allied invasion of the Italian mainland, there was an armistice with Italian troops resulting in their re-entry into the war on the allied side.

The image inspiring the third study comes from a book of photographs from the height of the time of the mafia found in a second-hand book shop. The informing image here, of a family funeral procession, reminded me of the many Florentine gilded figurative renaissance panels. I used this study as an opportunity to explore the jewel toned palette of the paintings which saturated my time in the city.

The studies are precursors for a series of larger works in progress."

Additional details

  • Object data

    TypePainting Paint, oil
    MaterialsSupport plywood
    Medium Paint, oil
    Dimensions Support
    40.4cm x 30.2cm
    AcquisitionDeposit, John Kinross Travel Scholarship Lilley, Elizabeth (June 14th, 2024)
  • Exhibitions

    No exhibition data for this record.