Death in the Afternoon
Creator: Gilbert, Mark Allan · b. 1969
produced in response to travel undertaken as the 1997 recipient of the Alastair Salvesen Travel Award.
The RSA Annual Report for 1997 notice 12 records Gilbert's award thus;
"12. The Alastair Salvesen Art Scholarship.
This was the ninth year of the Scholarship, the
intention of which is to encourage young
painters who have already made the transition
rom art college to a working environment.
The scholarship consists of two parts, a3 -6
months travel scholarship of up to £8,000,
depending on the plan submitted, and an
exhibition lasting around 3 weeks in
November/December in the Black and White
Room of the Academy. By the closing date
of 20 January 7 applications had been
submitted. The panel of adjudicators was:
William J.L. Baillie, PRSA
Ian McKenzie Smith, RSA
Elizabeth E. Salvesen
Bill Smith,
Alastair E.H. Salvesen
Adjudication took place on 4 February with
interviews the following day. The winner was
Mark Gilbert a former student at Glasgow
School of Art who used the prize money to
ravel to Spain. His base was Madrid,
ravelling to Toledo and La Torres where
much of his painting was done. On his return
an Exhibition of 46 of his works was held in
he Black & White Room from 21 November
until 17 December inclusive, of which sales
exceeded £4,500. The Exhibition was very
well attended with over 2,900 visitors."
© The Artist
Additional details
Object data
Date 1997 Accession 1997.204 Type Print Etching Acquisition Deposit, Alastair Salvesen Art Scholarship Gilbert, Mark Allan (1997) -