

Flockhart, Helen, RSA

b. 1963

A painting graduate of Glasgow School of Art, Flockhart continued her studies at the State High School of Art in Poznam, Poland after her graduation in Glasgow. Widely exhibited, Flockhart is the recipient of numerous awards, including in 2012 the RSA Maude Gemmell Hutchinson Prize. She was elected RGI in 2014, and Elected RSA 2021-09-21. Flockhart has written of her practise; "By their nature paintings express that which cannot be said, otherwise what is the point? Words are a poor second in my hands, painting is its own language. As far as the story telling analogy goes, I would not say that my paintings have a beginning, a middle and an end. During the process of building the picture a world emerges which has its own logic. In this sense poetry is possibly a closer parallel. I try to harness the core of a moment, urgently conceived and recorded then deliberately executed: taking an essence, pinning it down and spreading it out on canvas/the surface. It is often only afterwards, looking at the finished work, that I can make order out of something which is fluid."

An image from the RSA collection.