

Lee, John William

1864 – 1886

A native of Aberdeen he received his initial training at Aberdeen School of Art before joining the RSA Life School about 1884. At the RSA Life School he was awarded the prize for the Best Drawing from the Life in session 1885-86 but was tragically drowned off Aberdeen Beach on 1886-08-29 aged just 22 years. "Two young men named William Lee, artist, and Alexander Smith Angus, engraver, were drowned while bathing in the sea at Aberdeen yesterday morning. The men had entered the water about 200 yards north of the bathing station, and it is supposed that they were dragged under by the strong current which runs there." (Aberdeen Press & Journal, 1886-08-30) "A sad bathing fatality occurred at Aberdeen beach yesterday. About 9am John William Lee (22) an artist, and Alexander Smith Angus (17) an engraver, entered the sea about a couple of hundred yards to the north of the bathing station. Cries of distress were heard proceeding from them by a gentleman who was walking on the bents, opposite the place, and he immediately ran for the "Rescue" who was soon swimming towards the spot, but by this time one of the two had disappeared, and before the "Rescue" could reach him the other had also sunk. The first body recovered was that of Angus about two hours afterwards, but it was not till nearly six o'clock that the body of Lee was found. The spot at which the accident occurred is the most dangerous part of the beach, owing to the quicksand, and it was here where about six weeks ago a young and promising student met his death." (Glasgow Evening Post, 1886-08-30) The Stonehaven Journal of 1886-08-12 recorded the drowning in exactly the same spot on 5th August of John Couper a 22 year old medical student, a graduate of Aberdeen and Cambridge Universities. That report names the "Rescue" as George Davidson.

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