Reid, John Robertson
1851 – 1926
Reid was a student in the RSA Life School every year from 1873-4 to 1876-7 inc. In 1873 he was awarded the Prize for the Second best Painting from the Life [probably for the present work] and in 1874 took the Prizes for both the best Painting and the best Drawing from the Life. The Visitors to the RSA Life School during his time were; K MacLeay; J M Barclay and G P Chalmers (1873-4); K MacLeay; J M Barclay and G P Chalmers (1874-5); K MacLeay; J M Barclay and G P Chalmers (1875-6) and K MacLeay; J M Barclay and W McTaggart (1876-7). Reid exhibited at the RSA AX most years from 1869 to 1926, from Edinburgh addresses to 1879, thereafter Ashington in Sussex (1880) and from 1885 to 1926 from addresses in London. His exhibited works were mainly fugurative or landscape studies but included two portraits.