

Thompson, Jane

An Architecture graduate from Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow School of Art, and the recipient of an RSA John Kinross Travel Scholarship in 1996. Thompson's Kinross Scholarship was a precursor to an impressive CV in cultural management, much of it focused on Italian sites; "Thompson is an architect and a qualified project manager working to improve the management and conservation of cultural heritage. She brings together more than two decades of site experience with international-level research, policy work and capacity development initiatives. She is member of the Superior Council for Cultural Heritage and Landscapes (Italy) and part of the National Commission for Historical Monuments (Romania), both the highest advisory bodies of their respective ministries. She is director of the postgraduate course "Heritage management" within her role as a contract professor at the Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Among other institutional roles, of particular note are: her part in the 2014 Joint Ministry/Municipality Commission for the Central Archaeological Area of Rome; her ongoing contribution to the Administrative Board of ‘Villa Adriana Villa D’Este’, the new authority overseeing Tivoli’s two World Heritage properties, and to the Scientific Committee of the National Museum of Archaeology of Naples. Co-author of the UNESCO 2013 resource manual Managing Cultural World Heritage and 2011 World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy as part of her work for ICCROM, she also helped draft the Policy for the Integration of a Sustainable Development Perspective into the Processes of the World Heritage Convention adopted in 2015. Currently, she is in the core ICCROM-IUCN team delivering the capacity-building platform of the recently launched World Heritage Leadership Programme. Since 2009, she has held the senior management role leading the Herculaneum Conservation Project ('HCP') on behalf of the Packard Humanities Institute ('PHI'), based in Los Altos, California (USA), and its operating partners. This is a public-private collaboration which has radically transformed management and conservation and enhanced the archaeological site of Herculaneum." (, sourced 2023-07-27)

An image from the RSA collection.