Spence, Basil Unwin, Sir, ARSA
1907 – 1976
Sir Basil Spence trained at Edinburgh College of Art from 1919 to 1925 and at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London. He worked initially as an apprentice in the office of Sir Edwin Lutyen in London and between 1931 and 1935 he was assistant to Rowand Anderson, Paul & Partners in Edinburgh. Between this period he was in an informal partnership with Sir William Kininmonth, RSA. In 1935 he became a partner in Rowand Anderson, Paul and Partners, from 1946 to 1951 he was part of Basil Spence and Partners and from 1951 to 1992 he was part of the firm Spence, Glover and Ferguson in Edinburgh and Spence, Bonnington and Collins in London. Most famously he won the competition to design a new cathedral in Coventry. He became an ARSA in 1952