Cumming, James William Hunter, RSA
1922 – 1991
James Cumming was educated at Dunfermline High School and proceeded to study at Edinburgh College of Art from 1939 to 1941. He served during the Second World War before resuming his studies in 1946 and spent a Post Graduate year at the college. He gained a travelling scholarship from the college and used it to travel to the Island of Lewis where he closely studied the local communities. In 1950 he became a tutor in the School of Painting at Edinburgh College of Art from which he retired in 1982. He exhibited at the RSA from 1951 until 1990. He became an Associate Member of the RSA in 1962 and an Academician in 1970. Vide: "James Cumming: An Appreciation" by Jack Firth with foreword by Edward Gage and commentaries on the colour plates from George Bruce, Jack Firth, Richards Hayes, Eric Nicoll, Susan K Senior and James Shaw Grant; The Mercat Press in conjunction with The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh, 1995
Works in which this creator appears