Paulin, George Henry, ARSA
1888 – 1962
Vide Obituary 1962 RSA Annual Report, Notice XXII, pp.11-12; "GEORGE HENRY PAULIN RSA (sic) George Henry Paulin died on 10th July 1962, at Watchfield, Swindon, Wiltshire. He was 74. The son of a Minister, he was educated at Dollar Academy and in Edinburgh. After a six-year course at the Edinburgh Institution and the Edinburgh College of Art, he visited paris and Italy, studying in various Schools. He spent four years in Florence and afterwards settled in Glasgow [1916]. He joined the Lothian and Borders Horse in 1914, but was discharged in the same year after being severely injured in an accident. Later he volunteered for service, and in 1917 received a commission in the Royal Air Force and served in Italy as an interpreter and intelligence officer. Mr Paulin's principla Works include the War memorials at Kirkcudbright, Dollar, Denny, Milngavie, and the 8th Argylls' at Beaumont Hamel. Other well-known Works are the memorials of Sir William Ramsay at Glasgow University, Dr Hunter, Trinity Church, Glasgow, and Dr McEwan, Claremont Church, Glasgow. He also executed a statue to Lord Lister at Kelvingrove, Glasgow, and one to Anna Pavlova at Ivy House, Hampstead, in 1952. He was also commissioned to design the special Coronation Year hallmark on precious metals [1953?]. The Academy acquired the bronze bust of Sir W.O.Hutchison PRSA. Mr Paulin's widow has generously gifted a bust of Her Majesty the Queen, which was exhibited in our Annual Exhibition in 1953." Paulin was commemorated with a memorial display of 3 works, all lent by Paulin's widow, at the 1963 RSA Annual Exhibition.