Gibson, Patrick, RSA
1775 – 1829
For Gibson’s life vide John M. Gray’s entry in DNB (1885-1900) Vol 21 (, vide also McEwan, Peter; A Dictionary of Scottish Art and Architecture, Glengarden Press, 2004 (p.204). He married Isabella Mary Scott in Edinburgh 1818-06-18. She disponed his Inventory valued at a little over £400 at Alloa in May 1830, amongst which brief content is the sum of £15 owing by the Dollar Institution [?Academy] to the supply of Busts. The catalogue note to an 'Interior of Roslin Chapel' painted by Gibson which was lent by David Laing to the Scott Exhibition in Edinburgh in 1871 to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Sir Walter Scott (cat.506) reads; "PATRICK GIBSON, RSA, Landscape Painter, a native of Edinburgh, was an Exhibitor in 1808, and an active friend of the Scottish Academy. As a landscape apinter, he was too fond of composition subjects. During the latter period of his life, he resided at Dollar, Clackmannanshire, holding the office of Teacher of Drawing at the Dollar Institution. MR GIBSON died at Dollar, in 1829, in the forty-sixth year of his age." He served as a General Commissioner of Police for the 15th Ward in edinburgh for 1 year from 1820-07-01. He placed an advert in the Caledonian Mercury of 1817-05-24; "Mr P Gibson is removed from North James street to no.23 Dundas Street where he has opened his classes for teaching Drawing and Painting. For those who have already made some proficiency in the practical parts of the art he proposes to institute a Course of Instruction on the Principles of Composition, Colouring, and Chiar'Oscuro founded on the practice of the Great Masters to which those principles, as well as the Laws of Perspective, will be applied."