Lewis, John Frederick, RA HRSA
1804 – 1876
English artist elected ARA 1859, RA 1865 and HRSA in 1853. He specialised in oriental and mediterranean subjects and first showed at the RSA AX in 1828. He next showed there in 1853 when his ten exhibits included the painting "The Hareem of a Mameluke Bey, Cairo," which was lent to the exhibition by Joseph Arden of London. 1853 was to prove a memorable year for Lewis. He was elected HRSA and had his portrait painted con amore by Sir John Watson Gordon PPRSA which was presented to the RSA. Lewis also agreed to sell his collection of 63 watercolour copies after Old Master paintings, which he had painted on extensive travels in the 1820s and 1830s to view major art collections in London, Paris, Italy, Spain and Holland, to the RSA for a special price of £500. The Lewis Collection was well known for the accuracy of its colour and chiaroscuro and was regarded as a vital teaching aid by the RSA. On receipt the collection was put on public display at 33 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh and was accompanied by a printed catalogue with extensive notes by W B Johnstone RSA.
Works in which this creator appears